Saturday, July 31, 2010

Gundam 1/400 Figures

Been collecting those cool little Gundam Trading Figures, damn they are awesome. Anyways, With a little searching you can usually nab them in sealed cases from about $2-$3 a head, which is damn reasonable compared to similarly sized Battletech figures.

They are pretty well painted, and there is even a game for them (well in Japan, but it has been translated to English as well, more on that later)

This covers a good amount of my collection, they are based on wood hexes which are the same size as Heroscape Glyphs.

This would be my only "squad" of any sort, I managed to collect a decent sized team of Ginn Mobile Suits and am pretty happy about that.

Here are a few of my Gundams, obviously, got a lot more, but like these ones a fair amount for some reason.


  1. Very nice collection of mechs you have there. Very nice indeed.

  2. Really cool! I've been looking for the Robotech 1/400 size figures myself.

  3. Sorry Atom, no dice finding those, best thing I have found so far are the Macross Variable Fighter Collections, they are pricey, but very nice. They are the same scale as Mechwarrior Clix, so you can also do conversions on those to get other figures.

  4. You can join the Gundam collection 1/400 group in facebook. A lot of pictures, conversations, stats cards and rules of the game.
